We are proud to collaborate with our region and those who need it, support for minors with motor disabilities, providing electric wheelchairs.



At SOBEK INGENIEROS, Project Area, we specialize in offering comprehensive infrastructure construction, assembly and maintenance services, focused on the mining industry and other sectors. We are committed to maintaining our Integrated Management System based on the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 18001, ensuring compliance with recognized standards.

In order to comply with the requirements of our clients, the environment, occupational health and safety, as well as the legal, regulatory and other requirements applicable to the services provided by SOBEK INGENIEROS, Management assumes the following commitments with respect to the System Integrated Management:

1. Continuously improve; controlling, reviewing and periodically updating the System of
Integrated Management and its objectives.

2. Maintain strict compliance with current legislation on Environmental issues,
Health and Safety at work, and other obligations that we as an organization subscribe to voluntarily.

3. Commit to the prevention of work-related injuries, incidents, and occupational diseases, in addition to preventive measures aimed at eliminating dangers and controlling risks in the execution of our activities. Safeguard the physical and mental integrity of all employees, through the efficient identification and control of possible occupational hazards.

4. Through the application of technologies, protect the environment, preventing pollution and using sustainable resources, mitigating climate change and/or protecting biodiversity.

5. Promote the consultation and participation of its workers and representatives when they exist.

6. Disseminate and keep our Integrated Management System Policy available to the public and interested parties.

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SBK-SGI-POL-001 / January 4, 2024 / Rev 00